Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

I can't remember what I got for Christmas when I was 2, 5 or 10 (or even last year) but I do remember the excitement decorating the Christmas tree, watching a Christmas movie and driving around looking at the Christmas lights.  To me it's the memories and Christmas traditions that makes Christmas so magical not the gifts.

So here are 10 of our favourite Christmas traditions:

1. Put the Christmas tree up on 1 December - to me this signifies the start of the best month of the year and not only includes the Christmas tree but a few extra sets of fairy lights and decorations around the house!

2. Elf on the shelf arrival - Our elf's name is Elegar (named by our eldest daughter when she was 2) and she likes to make an arrival. We go for simplicity in the days after but try to make a statement arrival. This year Elegar will be floating in from the North Pole on a personalised balloon

3. December 1 Box - Elegar brings a little box of Christmas goodies with her when she arrives on the 1st of December. I prefer to do a December 1st box (as opposed to a Christmas eve box) so we have the whole month of December to enjoy the goodies inside. In our box is usually some Christmas pj's, some sort of Christmas baking activity, this year it's these cute Meri Meri Christmas cupcake kits a Christmas hat or headband, a Christmas book, an advent calendar like this charm bracelet advent and a sweet treat!

4. Declutter old toys the kids have grown out of - this is a new tradition we are starting this year using our "Old toys for Santa" bag. With the kids help we will clean out some toys & clothes they no longer play with or have outgrown and donate them to a local charity. Not only does it help teach them about giving at this time of year but also helps those who may not be able to afford new toys as well as helping the environment - and it keeps the clutter down at home. 

5. Christmas lights tour - we put our Christmas pj's on, grab some snacks and turn up the Christmas carols and head off to check out the Christmas lights around the neighbourhood.... or to the neighbourhoods that are known for their Christmas displays. 

6. Local Christmas carols - this one is pretty self explanatory but a night out singing and dancing at the local Christmas carols is so much fun! 

7. Gingerbread cookies - I'm not huge on cooking or baking but something about Christmas makes me want to get into the kitchen. So we usually do a bake up of Gingerbread cookies or Christmas themed cupcakes! We sometimes give them out as gifts... if there are any left that is!

8. Christmas movies - Ok I'm definitely going to watch any romantic Christmas movie that Netflix releases no matter how bad the plot is... in fact the more cliche the better in my opinion.  But with the kids we will turn the aircon right down, put our Christmas pj's on, pop some popcorn and make some hot chocolates and snuggle in for a family friendly Christmas movie. My daughter's current obsession is The Grinch. 

9. Christmas Photos - Whether it's a beautiful family Christmas photoshoot or a free photo with Santa in a local shopping centre it's so great seeing how the kids change from year to year.

10. Christmas Eve - In the past we have kept Christmas Eve fairly low key, we usually have the Christmas carols playing on tv while we finish off wrapping presents but as the kids get older I would love to have a special friends & family afternoon/dinner on Christmas eve - something easy and low key - everyone brings a plate to share so it's not too much pressure on anyone to cook much, all the kids get to play together and hopefully exhaust themselves so they fall asleep easily and everyone gets to enjoy themselves before they go home and finish building trampolines or cubby houses or whatever it is Santa has got them doing the night before Christmas! 

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